medical history summary


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Medical history is the art of disease information taken from the patient. It helps physical examination and give information about lab tests. Medical history can be taken at different conditions:



Diagnosis is known: Pneumonia

Diagnosis is unknown: Chest pain

Acute disease: 2 days diarrhea

Chronic disease: 1 month diarrhea

Special conditions: Before operation

History should include patient’s all complaints chronologically. The patient physician relationship is special, patient should trust the physician. The physician should to tolerant, but must not permit any disrespectful behaviour.

Basic principles of history taking



First main complaint

Experience-theoretical informatiom

Sufficient time

Initiating time of complaint

Factors affection duration of complaint

Accompanying factors

Response to treatment

Its nature

You should introduce yourself before starting medical history. You should ask in order:  

Personal information

Characteristics of complaint

Review of systems

Previous medical history

Family history

I will point two important points in medical history.

1.Your theoric knowledge must be good so you know what to ask. You must be able to understand the relationship between unrelated findings.  

2.Review of systems

Main purposes:

Evaluate all systems

Check missed signs or symptoms

Absence of some findings are as important of their presence

Any detected sign should be evaluated in details

In summary

The present complaint

The history of the present complaint

Remaining questions of abnormal system

Review of systems

Past medical history

I recommend you 6 videos to watch and listen, 4 English, 2 Turkish.

History taking 1 (Turkish)

History taking 2 (Turkish)

History taking 3 (English)

History taking 4 (English)

History taking 5 (English)

History taking 6 (English)

Healthy days without corona.

Prof. Dr. Tekin Akpolat

Öğrencilere özel not: Hasta hekim ilişkisinde empati çok önemlidir. Empati hastanın ne yaşadığını hissederek başlar. Böbrek hastalıklarını hasta gözüyle öğrenmek için sizlere Hasta Böbrekler kitabımı öneririm. Kitaba ulaşmak için tıklayın.

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